Uniforms can be purchased from Flynn O’Hara.

When purchasing used uniforms, please take note of the school logo. All uniforms worn must have our updated logo (view comparison here).

General Guidelines

  • Polo knit shirts must be worn tucked in to shorts/skorts/skirts/pants.

  • Undershirts, if worn, must be white.

  • Shorts, skorts, skirts, and jumpers must be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee.

  • Shorts must be worn under skirts and jumpers for modesty (any color; should not show below hem).

  • Tights/leggings may be worn under jumpers and skirts (solid black or white).

  • Socks: All socks must be above the ankle (crew length or knee length) and solid in color (black, white, or khaki). No writing, emblems, logos, or stripes. Mills-brand socks with uniform plaid trim are allowed.

  • Jewelry: Medical bracelet or watch allowed; no other bracelets or rings. Religious medal or cross on a chain allowed; no other necklaces allowed. One pair of small post earrings allowed (girls only); no dangling earrings or cartilage piercings.

  • No make-up allowed; chap-stick only.

  • Clear nail polish is allowed for girls only (no colors). No fake nails are permitted.  No nail treatments that cannot be easily removed with standard nail polish remover and cotton balls (e.g. no gel or dip nail treatments). Nails should be kept clean and trimmed short.

  • Hair length must not extend beyond the eyebrows in the front.  Hairstyles should be neat and well kept. No hairstyle should be a point of distraction; no unusual haircuts.  Hair should not be cut too short (no shorter than #2 guard) or too long (over the collar for boys).  Student's hair should be the student's natural color.  No dyed or colored hair treatment or fad hair embellishments allowed.  Hair barrettes and bows should be simple. Boys’ hair should not be below the collar, nor should it be overgrown and in the eyes. Boys’ hair must be well kept and not overgrown.

Out of Uniform Days

  • Clothing appropriate for school must be worn (for both a dress up day or casual day.)

  • Skirt length same as school uniform (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee).

  • Jeans and loose fitting athletic pants are appropriate for out-of-uniform days.

  • Tank tops, net shirts, mini-skirts, tight fitting apparel (i.e. leggings, yoga pants, jean jeggings or any such fashions, as well as bleached or frayed clothing) are not appropriate for school.

  • All printing or advertisements must be appropriate for school.

  • Shirts need to be long enough to tuck in.

  • Shorts are permitted on out-of-uniform days during the time summer uniform is worn. The only shorts permitted on out-of-uniform days are uniform walking shorts or SHS gym shorts or shorts that are the exact same length and style as the gym or uniform shorts. (The gym shorts have an inseam length of at least 6 inches.)Tennis shoes may be worn. No sandals or other open toed or open backed shoes (Crocs, etc.).

  • Accessory policy applies on out-of-uniform days.

If a student's clothing is inappropriate, parents will be called to bring appropriate clothing. The student who violates the dress code on an out-of-uniform day may receive a minor infraction.